
Sisters of Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This flyer was on a friend's door. You kidding me? The country paid millions in reparations.. They've offered no apologies and seem to have no thoughts of reparation.. She says she's sorry and wants to make reparations.. 6 months ago was a bar maid who shorted a waitress $50 in tips and had to get scolded by the manager. Now the leader of the Democrat Socialists..

  • tetsukarimi

    The Treaty of Versailles stated that a Reparation Commission would be established in 1921. This commission would consider the resources available to Germany and her capacity to pay, provide the German Government with an opportunity to be heard on the subject, and decide on the final reparation figure that Germany would be required to pay..

  • tetsukarimi

    Poland refuses to take its EU immigrant quota. Germany threatens to fine Poland $75 million. Poland responds by demanding $1 trillion in WW2 reparations from Germany. Where were you when we entered the age of shitposting foreign policy?.

  • tetsukarimi

    Feast of the Sacred Heart The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Friday following the Second Sunday after Pentecost. Slave descendant unites with Plantation owner descendant, "Robert is a descendant of people who owned my family. He didn’t own anybody. I am a descendant of slaves of that his family owned. I have never been a slave. This is about history. This is about family. ".

  • tetsukarimi

    Race Without Class: the “Bougie” Sensibility of Ta-Nehisi Coates: regarding his critique of Bernie Sander's apparent objection to reparations and it's relation to the history of democratic socialism. Dr Shashi Tharoor MP - Britain Does Owe Reparations HOLY HOUR OF REPARATION - CATHOLIC TRADITION "It's all Germany's fault" Alliance Admiral Murdered by League of Reparation So, this came into my mind today: Two years ago I was doing something sinful and wrong and my mother discovered it, but I lied to her to avoid conflict and preserve myself from the punishment, making an excuse. I overcame the sin (or better, God gave me the grace to overcome it, even if I didn't deserve such love) and have already made a confession after it, but totally forgot about the lie in the confession and out of it. Today I've remembered it and searched about the need of reparation, and..

  • tetsukarimi

    Sisters of Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. This flyer was on a friend's door. You kidding me? The country paid millions in reparations.. They've offered no apologies and seem to have no thoughts of reparation.. She says she's sorry and wants to make reparations.. 6 months ago was a bar maid who shorted a waitress $50 in tips and had to get scolded by the manager. Now the leader of the Democrat Socialists..