Cage Fighter: http://bitly.com/2MRKwfj
Cage Fighter
トーク情報- funzaihe
funzaihe A U.S. cage fighter ripped out the heart of his training partner while he was still alive after becoming convinced he was possessed by the devil, it was alleged today. Jarrod Wyatt also cut out Taylor Powell's tongue and ripped off most of his face in a brutal assault that police said looked like a..
- funzaihe
funzaihe My girl friend has been training to be a cage fighter for around a year and has fought in the cage once last September. She saw me do an AMA and thought it would be fun to do her own. Ask Her (almost) anything. [EDIT 1] Which Moderator should I send proof to? [EDIT 2] Bed time, we will resume in the morn. [EDIT 3] I am a girl..