トーク情報- nihiganshi
nihiganshi What is all the excitement about? I watched the first 57min and could not find anything particularly funny, or interesting or clever. The acting is flat, the personalities of the characters are not compelling. I'm not wondering what happens next. I'll give a movie an hour but by then it has to pay off or I'm done.
- nihiganshi
nihiganshi Remember when Mr. Park said she eats a lot of food. That's because of her husband that she steals extra food for.
- nihiganshi
nihiganshi The father (Song Kang Ho) is such a great actor as well. If you havent, you should check out the movie “Taxi” on Netflix. A story about how a Korean town closed all access to the inside sieged by the Korean military. True story of a 1980 event.
- nihiganshi
nihiganshi This is one of the best movies ve ever seen! I totally recommend this movie. The movie was completely different than what I imagined it to be.