ronhotarironhotari2020年05月10日 15:56Valley girl is moons opposite nature, I hope no one takes the song seriously. She's grounded.
ronhotarironhotari4年前Valley girl is moons opposite nature, I hope no one takes the song seriously. She's grounded.
ronhotarironhotari4年前You really compare men's deep voices with women's vocal fry? Come on! You know what? Whenever I read sentences like Scientists have found out. according to a study. or such without citing official sources, my inner alarm bell rings and yells FAKE.
ronhotarironhotari4年前I hope this was live, otherwise there is no excuse for ending the interview there. Frank loved you Howard! He would have gone on.
ronhotarironhotari4年前She has an amazing personality, very down to earth and intelligent, and GORGEOUS.