daigonezudaigonezu2020年04月30日 11:27This is my dogs when I leave the house then realise I forgot my phone so go back inside after like 1 second 😂 CUTENESS 100 —————————.
daigonezudaigonezu4年前Jajaja chico malo y se meten con chicos malo y por ahí las ve con unos Wachiturros jajajaja.
daigonezudaigonezu4年前This is my dogs when I leave the house then realise I forgot my phone so go back inside after like 1 second 😂 CUTENESS 100 —————————.
daigonezudaigonezu4年前Brings back memories when I would be gone over a week or two and my bestfriend would so excited. man I miss him...