Star Wars: Episode IX - The Ri
  • teruyozai

    The movie has many plot holes and new unexplained things never mentioned in prequals or original trilogy. It lacks something new. Almost every important scene in the movie is a copy of scenes from original trilogy. Most importantly, the huge fight between good and evil, jedi and sith, which is the thing that made this franchise so good, is in my oppinion lost in this movie.

  • teruyozai

    Some good sides of the rise of skywalker are few funny scenes, beautiful colours and effects and few good lightsaber battles.

  • teruyozai

    I didn't go into TROS with bated breath or any high expectations. I loved The Force Awakens, I (kinda) liked The Last Jedi and, overall, I really liked this one.

  • teruyozai

    This movie, in some ways, seems like the end result of plot lines the filmmakers didn't quite know how they were going to finish when they started this trilogy. The Rey-Palpatine connection, and really all of the Palpatine stuff, felt too convenient and at times unnecessary, but I was able to overlook it. And yeah, the plot was a bit messy and overstuffed, but the general gist of the story was easy enough to follow, and the principle actors really hold their own and deliver enjoyable performances (especially Ridley and Driver.

  • teruyozai

    This isn't high-brow cinema; it's Star Wars. It's inherently campy and steeped in self-referential tradition, so if you're going into this movie expecting the pinnacle of storytelling and filmmaking, you'll be disappointed. But if you're there to enjoy a fun, spirited action film that is the essence of Star Wars, you'll have a good time.

  • teruyozai

    How big did you get? 21 Feet. You? 65 Feet i almost want to buy this movie specifically for that scene.