kipas susah mati
kipas susah mati
you're really understand kanji?

not "really" all of them but I understand some of them... explanation (skip if lazy to read) - it's because japanese kanji is not very far from chinese hanzi (some of them uses same word like 未来, n some are different little bit like 悪vs恶) - chinese is my 2nd language after malay, before english... 😅 that and because I've been reading japanese books (books that I read have furigana, means the kanji got reading in hiragana written beside it n I can read that hiragana if i'm stuck 😂)... n eventually I can read them without the furigana... I have "context sense" that help me to know if the kanji used in sentence got different usage/meaning from chinese hanzi n that time I'll just need to check back dictionary for the real japanese kanji meaning... 😂😂😂
