
To think that "knowing" people make you like them is wrong and absurd. Jews in Germany were completely integrated into the society in the 30s. If the point of this movie were true why did most survivors choose to go to refugee camps instead of back "home" This is why Israel got statehood. Does the writer-creator think Steven Miller and Steve Bannon don't know Jewish people? In fact Breitbart's banker Mercer is ostensibly Jewish, who seems to be okay fanning the flames of hatred to gain whatever they are trying to gain. Do we think that gay-haters never knew gay people? We all have known and seen LGTBQ people all our lives and they are still generally not respected. This movie might be funny if it wasn't so ridiculously wrong. But there are "good people on both sides" including the Nazi marchers in the US who chanted about "Jews" the night before with their brown shirts. I guess I just need to get to be better friends with some of them.

Jojo Rabbit