The Killing of a Sacred Deer:
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
トーク情報- dzukumakuni
dzukumakuni <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- dzukumakuni
dzukumakuni Also theres really no two ways to interpret The Shining. Everything is explained clearly.
- dzukumakuni
dzukumakuni Saying you love a movie over and over and over is not reviewing it or explaining it. It is just you saying you loved it. Nothing more. And why would I as an adult even be bothered with what somebody like you who was only born 15 minutes ago, thinks about a movie such as this. When you have lived, really lived about 5 more decades then maybe I will listen. But before I do listen you will have to lose the whinging whining yankee voice. It is like fingernails down chalkboard.