The Wolf of Wall Street
  • monorizoga

    This film might have been made the best way it could be made. Seeing as it was chronicling the real life of a stock market corrupt team. But it wasn't enjoyable to me at all. It might have served the role of informing us that Stock Market workers are corrupt. But I think most people going in were already convinced of that. My take is that the subject of stock market corruption could be better covered as a dark comedy in a similar style as Dr. Strangelove. Or the film could have been entertaining if the entire thing was covered from the perspective of the cops who took Belfort down. The way this film was made just makes me hate the world for producing such nastiness both in the real world and on the big screen. Not all films have to be happy. But there has to be some hope involved in the story somewhere. Sure the guy went to jail at the end. But his sentence was so small that it felt just like another defeat. Also, the film was REAAALLY long.