今天無意間看到Emma Watson(艾瑪.華森)在聯合國的演講,外媒報導以inspirational 非常激勵人心來形容。 說真的,因為沒有認真看過 《哈利波特》,所以我對於飾演妙麗的 艾瑪 .華森其實不太熟悉,後來忘了什麼原因,也許是因為看到她對於 女性、社會議題的關心,而 在臉書 follow 她,開始覺得她是個不太一樣的藝人,但也只猜到她應該是某部份的lucky ,例如父愛母愛人人愛,所以可能人格發展的比較健全一些罷了,直到今天看了 她在聯合國的演講,我才真正對於這個年輕的女藝人肅然起敬,我想,艾瑪.華森的「成功」,應該不只在於她的好運... 若有興趣,可以直接觀看影音檔: 基於她在演講中所說的 If not me, who? If not now, when? (若我不做,誰來做?若此刻不做,更待何時?)的精神,我也將她的 演講全文 翻譯如下 (因為英文演講太精彩,因此保留原文,若有錯誤,歡迎指正): Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe. ” I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality—and to do that we need everyone to be involved. 此時此刻,就是 HeForShe 運動的開始。我今天來到這裡,即是為了尋求你們的支持與協助。我們的目標是終結性別不平等,唯有你們每一個人的參與,才能使這目標成為可能。 This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. And we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible. 這是一場聯合國史上前所未有的運動:我們希望能刺激更多的男人與男孩站出來倡議性別平等。我們堅持 性別平等的實現,而不希望只停留在紙上談兵。 I was appointed six months ago and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. 半年多前,我開始擔任聯合國的婦女親善大使。當我越公開討論女性主義,就越意識到,為婦女爭取權益的運動常常淪為「仇恨男性」的同義詞。而我 非常確定的是,我們不能再繼續這樣看待女性主義了。 For the record, feminism by definition is: “The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes. ” 我在此鄭重聲明,女性主義的定義是:「相信男人和女人都應該擁有平等的權利和機會, 女性主義 所關心的是性別的政治、經濟和社會平等議題。」 I started questioning gender-based assumptions when at eight I was confused at being called “bossy, ” because I wanted to direct the plays we would put on for our parents—but the boys were not. 8 歲時,我因為要導一齣學校邀請父母觀賞的舞台劇,而被人說是「專橫霸道」( bossy ),但同樣身為導演,男生卻不會被認為是「專橫霸道」,這點讓我百思不得其解,也是我第一次開始對於性別角色的偏見提出質疑。 When at 14 I started being sexualized by certain elements of the press. 14 歲時,某些媒體看待我的眼光開始充滿了性的暗示,將我物化。 When at 15 my girl