Harry Potter and the Sorcerer'
トーク情報- zukutadai
zukutadai This scene is the reason I learnt how to play chess when I was 10 after seeing it at the cinema. In the book the first black piece lost was the other knight, which left Hermione free to take a bishop. Ron took almost as many white pieces as he had lost black ones, and as others have pointed out he wouldn't have much chance of winning if he lost his queen early in the game while white still had theirs. Harry moved three spaces left to give checkmate straight after Ron was taken, making the white king throw his crown on the floor, so the queen wouldn't have been in a position to delay checkmate at all in the book. Also she was shown smashing up one black rook and then hurling the other one aside. But since Hermione is a rook, they can't have a third unless a pawn was promoted in which case Ron probably would have chosen a queen. Black's first move looked weak. And while Ron didn't ride a horse in the book, it was still a more fun way to film.