ruikaishiruikaishi2020年05月08日 16:26not provide answers. It's up to us to develop our own conclusions.
ruikaishiruikaishi4年前The Matrix is pretty quiet these days. Since they completed the Matrix Trilogy, the Wachowski's collaborated on the
ruikaishiruikaishi4年前If you haven't seen The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Animatrix, or The Matrix Revolutions please rent or buy them
ruikaishiruikaishi4年前before reading any further. In fact, watch them twice before you come back! This website contains material that will give away many
ruikaishiruikaishi4年前parts of the story that are better discovered through watching. Additionally, this website contains interpretations of the concepts
ruikaishiruikaishi4年前behind The Matrix. These interpretations may be commonly accepted by Matrix fans, but it's important to point out that the creators
ruikaishiruikaishi4年前of The Matrix have revealed little about what the movies "mean"; if there's a purpose to these movies, it's to encourage questions,