Code 8
  • kigojinza

    There's this movie recently on netflix called code 8, it's basically marvel mutants (superpower minority struggles with society and special machines hounding them) but instead of superheroics our protagonist resorts to organized crime to pay his mother's medical treatment. the reason these supers face such discrimination is because industrial mechanization rendered super-labor redundant. Except it shouldn't. There are telekinetic supers who were shown in a construction role lifting steel tubes. There is no logical benefit of having a large, expensive crane that needs space and maintenance over someone with telekinesis who can do more for less. and the sentinels keeping powered criminals in are kept check are "guardians", specialized police sentry drones and robots deigned to combat them. Except they seem to do a shitty job because one of them gets bodied by a random elderly junkie with likely atrophied super-strength (a "brawn"), who then immediately surrenders to normal human police with normal handguns, even though another brawn like him got shot 8 times with no real issue. this isn't including the number of times the protagonist simply zaps the bots once and they instantly shut down. This is not like marvel mutants where extremists are challenged by moderate mutants, or non-mutant heroes, or actually effective robots. The only things supposedly keeping them at bay are displayed as ineffective fodder that gets trashed easily. There is no reason for these supers to be bottom-rung citizens.

  • kigojinza

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