
I think I'm mostly Beth. I'm compassionate, I love music and dolls, and I want to have the people I love around me. I'm also shy and introverted. I have creative ambition and dreams like Jo and Amy but my introversion makes it a struggle for me to persue it. In the 90s version when Clare Danes said I like to be at home. But I hate to be left behind I felt that. When I was younger I was more like Amy. I was self involved and spiteful. Burning Jo's manuscript was the kind of shady shit I would have done, or at least thought about doing. My strong sense of beauty leads me to love material things and high society and I'm kind of a perfectionist. I can also be pragmatic when something important is on the line. I was also like Jo when I was younger. I had creative ambitions and nothing but disgust for most traditional values and conventions. I had a temper and really knew how to hold a grudge. There's a little bit of Meg in there. I make the most of my circumstances but sometimes I get swept away by my ache for more excitement and luxury. I'm not really a 'wife and Mother' type but I feel very warm towards the children in my life.

Little Women