Dune: https://svtplay-se.com/watch/1109?utm_source=7gogo_jp
トーク情報- ofuteishi
ofuteishi The film had quite a lot to live up to. Could such a film be as revolutionary and enjoyable as the computer game? My answer would be a resounding YES! It became clear that the mystery and atmosphere of the game had been purged straight from the movie. The visual imagery is key to the success of this film; costume, set and six combine to great effect. The large budget is clear for all to see! The story is played out on an epic scale, with the use of train of thought narrative and colourful characterisation from the main cast. In fact, often the dialogue was reminiscent of a melodramatic Shakespearean play. There are too many strong performances to choose from in this film, although Jurgen Prochnow deserves particular praise for his role as the Duke.
- ofuteishi
ofuteishi Admittedly, Dune is one of those films you have to watch more than once to truly understand. The plot shifts at alternate paces and lasts well over two hours. However, this shouldn't be seen as a problem. I found it refreshing to watch a challenging and complex story, after all this genre more than any works best when it's not dumbed down. Dune remains the most sumptuous Science Fiction epic ever conceived, I highly recommend it.
- ofuteishi
ofuteishi <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Fb_LO7gJo-4?iv_load_policy=3&loop=0" frameborder="0" allow="gyroscope" allowfullscreen></iframe>