Spenser Confidential
トーク情報- dzumihitode
dzumihitode I actually didn't know this film existed till yesterday. That being said after watching it, I thought it was fine and nothing more.
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dzumihitode Within the first 20 minutes, you know where this film is going and it kinda does take you out of the film sometimes. It's super unoriginal. We have seen films where the hero has to expose the dirty cops before. This film plays out just like any other of those films.
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dzumihitode The two leads, Winston Duke and Mark Wahlberg are really great here. They alone make this film worth checking out.
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dzumihitode Strangely enough, it's actually more enjoyable than most of these "expose the dirty cop" films. You actually have a well written script with actually good characters. The action scenes although there weren't many, they were surprisingly done well and much better handled than Mile 22, which is mainly due to the horrendous editing in that film.
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dzumihitode However overall it is one of those films which is enjoyable yet disposable. It's not worth going out your way to watch it, but it's not worth avoid.
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dzumihitode Movie Spenser Confidential to watch online for free on your Android phone conveniently as using an iPhone (iPhone) iPad and other popular smartphones and tablet completely free.
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dzumihitode Spenser Confidential Film Online Watch Spenser Con*fide&nt~ial Online Online s1xe1… Spenser Read more on the website….