
I always loved this aspect of Dune - imagining an age so far in the future that it leaves behind in the mists of legend what seems to us oh so certain and real. But it must have existed at some point. Who remembers the first bands of camps and villages that scattered the once green Sahara before it would undergo its many dryings and green returns even before the first homo sapiens would walk out of Africa 120,000 years ago? Who remembers the first few camps that those early humans inhabited as they slowly expanded into Central Asia by 75,000 years ago? What memory exists of the first people to creep into North America along fishing villages clinging to what would later be called coastal Alaska 10,000 years ago? How much time will go by before our entire planet disappears in our collective memories like one of those early villages? How big will the expanse of humanity be when all of Earth is considered just another forgotten village.
