Just Mercy: https://nicovideo-jp.com/watch/647?utm_source=7gogo_jp
Just Mercy
トーク情報- pakudoyoka
pakudoyoka One of the many reasons that I refuse to drive through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana. Hook that guy up to a polygraph.
- pakudoyoka
pakudoyoka Mr. Hinton is a very brave man, it is so injust what happened to him. Can't we start a Gofundme action to gather some money for him.
- pakudoyoka
pakudoyoka Never seen people so happy to hear the word hamster. But seeing they get to come back for one on the 12 days it makes sense.
- pakudoyoka
pakudoyoka Isnt casey neistat gonna be In this cauze they said hez going to be in a movie with jamie fox
- pakudoyoka
pakudoyoka Id wait for it to come out on Netflix in a few months and watch it on there so you dont waste any money. It was an okay movie.