The Lord of the Rings: The Fel
  • togonhaya

    One newspaper reviewer headlined his write-up of this movie along the lines. if you don't like this film you don't like movies. he then proceeded to "gush" over how marvellous the picture is. along with all the other hobbits elves and dwarfs followers. hence with few exceptions we are being told we have to love this film and if we don't there is something wrong with us. I remember when the book was in fashion and it was sort of shiek(trendy) to be reading it. Well let me tell you. I could not finish the first page of the book as in my opinion it was trash then and is trash now. So far as the movie is concerned. ok nice scenery,locations,sets, costumes and special effects. but : 1. far too long at almost 3 hours. 2. A nonsensical storyline. 3. the ending is left up in the air no doubt in the expectation that it will get punters in for the sequel et al. Obviously millions have been wasted on this film. what a shame. when such could have been spent on either a decent fairy tale story or even a sensible true life type companion and I almost walked out after an hour and a half and it was only because I fell asleep 3 almost another 3 times that we endured it to the finish. Mind good news is. if you are a cigarette smoker and then you can try to abstain for almost three hours whilst being totally bored by this nonsense. At least with a lot of popcorn washed done with plenty of coke-a-cola I was able to burp amply which caused the youngsters next to me more interest and amusement than anything on the screen. I am told Harry Potter is a far superior picture. But. to be honest. if I was given the choice to a) cut my toe nails... b)wash dirty laundry. c) sit through this film. I will without doubt go for either a) or b. Still its now 2002 and. to be generous. I give it 1 out of 10.