Bag of Marbles
  • denreruga

    TIL US President Andrew Jackson had been shot so many times people said he "rattled like a bag of marbles."

  • denreruga

    This is probably stupid simple but it’s kind of breaking my brain and I’d like to understand the theory: Say I have 2 bags with 100 marbles in each. Bag A has 1 red marble and 99 blue marbles. Bag B has 5 red marbles and 95 blue marbles. If I pull out marbles 1 at a time from each bag simultaneously, from which bag am I more likely to pull out *all* its red marbles *first*? (Or is the probability equal?) Intuitively, it seems since there are more red marbles in Bag B, I’m less likely to “ru..

  • denreruga

    Voici une sélection des traductions proposées par des utilisateurs anglophones d’Expressio pour les expressions idiomatiques françaises

  • denreruga

    [Entertainment] - Boyhood wartime escape drama 'A Bag of Marbles' is an emotional roller coaster | LA Times