The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:
The Lord of the Rings: The Fel
トーク情報- reiseidzu
reiseidzu THe opening sequence of battle scenes was the high point and the rest ain't too shabby either, but it does drag in places, there's only so much sword fighting i can take. it starts at bilbos party and goes up to the point where gandalf and boromir are killed, i think it covers the start of book 2.
- reiseidzu
reiseidzu Bad man/creature/ghost/ting creates a powerful and evil ring. Anyone who possesses it and wears it becomes obsessed. Ring bad. Hence, someone (the hobnobs) must get rid of the evil ring. -so far so good. But then that's it ! From here on in, it's all travelling, fighting evil, more travelling, fighting more evil, even more travelling, and fighting even more evil. A pattern starts emerging. br>
- reiseidzu
reiseidzu The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: