The Shawshank Redemption
  • nyororito

    This entire scene was done with only 12 actors playing prisoner extras. yet because of the sound mixing, it sounds like 120. great film.

  • nyororito

    The Shawshank Redemption is one of the best classic movies of all the time. No wonder it got many nominations. I think everything about this movie is pure gold starting with the story because is a movie that makes you feel all the emotions; touches the soul like no other, we go to an experience that lasts 30, 40, 50 years. men imprisoned, physically, morally and sentimentally deprived of the most basic things, the long is cruel and central, he touches and shocks, talks to the viewer through the most felt privations of detainees, the story is very complex and keeps you interested from beginning to end. This movie is really a jewel and I strongly believe that is a candidate that can't be missed in the list of films you should definitely watch before you die.

  • nyororito

    Just saw this movie last week for the very first time. my favorite movie of all time now ive already watched it 3 other times. Me neither you guys run this place like a fuckin prison has me dying every time 😂.