トーク情報- tabigokusu
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- tabigokusu
tabigokusu Mulan is my favorite movie so honestly no matter what happens Im probably gonna love this movie too. Im really enjoying these live actions and I honestly dont see why everyone hates them so much. If youre hating on a movie just because its not animated how you want it then maybe you should just not be watching the movie. Look beyond the animation. The story is still the same story that you love and it looks so gorgeous with the effects and everything (Im talking about lion king) so whats the problem? Just the fact that its not 2D animated? I for one definitely liked lion king 2019. All these live actions are some of my favorites too now. Except for dumbo. I can see why someone wouldnt like dumbo.
- tabigokusu
tabigokusu Of all the weird live action remakes lately, this is the only one that makes me think it might be worth seeing.
- tabigokusu
tabigokusu The emperor bows and the annoying one hits the deck faster then light, this is why this is one of my favorite Disney movies.