じょんれのん。じょんれのん。2020年03月22日 06:031 名前:みつを ★ :2020/03/22(日) 05:17:11.22 ID:/EcqVO4A9 https://twitter.com/WarsontheBrink/status/1241410269571690498 BIG BREAKING: Italy reports 6557 new cases of #Coronavirus and 793 new deaths. Total number of Confirmed cases reach 53,578 and Total death toll reaches 4825 Fatality rate= 9% 793 New Deaths in a Single day. OH MY GOD!! RECORD #Coronavirus Death Figure https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries ★1が立った時間 2020/03/22(日) 02:07:21.08 ※前スレ 【悲報】イタリア、逝く 感染者数53578人(+6557) 死者数4825人(+793) 致死率9.0% 重症2857人 ★5 http://asahi.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1584817841/ https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)